

Name Date Size Licence Checksum Website
ffmpeg (bz2 file, 4.32 MB) 4.32 MB LGPL 2.1 ffmpeg's official website (new tab)


The compilation of the FFmpeg library for the Android Liveradio application has been tested on a MacOS-X system. It may work on other systems, but it has not been tested.

  1. Download and install Android NDK R3. You can use the following links:
  2. Extract the provided archive
  3. Make a symbolic link from the provided ffmpeg source code root directory to the provided apps/phaudioplayer/project/jni/ffmpeg directory:
    ln -s “<pathto>/ffmpeg/ffmpeg-rev26068” “<pathto>/apps/phaudioplayer/project/jni/ffmpeg/Sources”
  4. Make a symbolic link from the provided apps/phaudioplayer directory to the apps directory of the Android NDK:
    ln -s “<pathto>/apps/phaudioplayer” “<pathto Android NDK r3 rootdir>/apps/phaudioplayer”
  5. Open & set the variable “ANDROID_NDK_ROOT_PATH” located in script “ffmpeg/configure.sh” according to the Android NDK r3 installation directory
  6. Run the provided script “ffmpeg/configure.sh” to configure FFmpeg for Android
  7. From the root directory of the android NDK, build the shared library “libphaplayer-jni.so”:
    cd <pathto Android NDK r3 rootdir>
    make APP=phaudioplayer