Mobile app “Aidevig Bodyguard” for your safety

“Aidevig-Bodyguard” app – screenshot.

Orange Labs Prime Zone presents “Aidevig Bodyguard” – an app that allows you to alert who you want with a real phone call!

You can also say that all is fine thanks to the ‘green alerts’ or simply indicate a problem with an ‘orange alert’. Women, sportsmen, seniors, travellers, workers, technicians …: download this app and indicate your helpers. They will receive your alerts by email, SMS and phone call that will tell them your geolocation and your message. For your 3 helping contacts, no need for them to download anything! In case of emergency, you can also find help on the welcome page: police forces, nearest healthcare.
People with the application are also visible (if they want to be geolocated) and the latest alerts issued.

Platform: Android, iOS
Availability: Worldwide

This app was developed using the following Open Source components:

  • OkHttp – An HTTP & HTTP/2 client for Android and Java applications.
  • Retrofit – Type-safe HTTP client for Android and Java by Square, Inc.
  • AppRater – Library for Android facilitates users to rate your app within the Google Play store or Amazon App Store.

Learn more about Orange Labs Prime Zone.