News / Page 3

  1. “Autoencoder based Anomaly detection” ― a network automation platform to discover and characterize anomalies in real-time. “Autoencoder based Anomaly detection” is a network automation framework which aims to learn nominal operating conditions of a softwarised network service and characterise anomalies in real-time, while offering a compact system state representation called radiography. This representation can provide […]


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  2. Pyngsild ― the fastest way to develop your Fiware NGSI-LD agent in Python. pyngsild is a Python data-centric framework whose goal is to ease and speed up the development of NGSI-LD agents. By providing a clean and simple structure – with components organized as a dedicated NGSI-LD pipeline – the framework allows the developer to […]


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  3. its-client ― pour connecter un terminal ou une application à la plateforme ITS Orange An app, that explores innovative business models, and contributes to the definition of communication, to guarantee a success for connected and automated mobility (CAM) services. An impact is also expected at a first JSon standardisation level for the collaboration both with […]


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  4. LiveObjectsHelper is a repository for resources available at the Orange Live Objects channel on Youtube, which give insight, on how to use powerful extended futures of LiveObjects. Available at GitHub, and distributed under BSD-3-Clause.

  5. Orange Design System helps you create your Orange service with: ods-storybook-theme: an Orange graphic theme to customize Storybook ods-jekyll-theme: an Orange theme for your Markdown documentations ods-android and ods-ios: 2 mobile code frameworks respectively for Android and iOS which will help you increase your design consistency, accommodate a wide variety of content and streamline your […]

  6. FossDash — a tool to collect and display metrics from Fossology. Based on Grafana, the data visualization tool, FossDash allows to collect and to graphically display various metrics resulting from FOSSology, the tool for open source license analysis within any software. Available at


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  7. A mobile app to help experimenters to get the emotional state of theirs subjects We developed a mobile app to help experimenters get the emotional state of their subjects. This adapted version of the Geneva Emotion Wheel instrument is flexible and configurable for a wide range of context. Data is recorded, stored and easy to […]

  8. IOT Map Component is a Map component, that can be integrated in any computer or mobile web application developed in Angular or REACT, which provides Orange branded design and User eXperience. This component, even if not integrated yet in the boosted/ng-boosted library, is very similar in objectives and constructions, and is intended to join, in […]


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  9. Botenv generates Mirai-like IoT botnet traffic in a virtual environment. Botenv allows to deploy the building blocks of a Mirai-like botnet in a local, virtual environment, and allows to change the topology of the deployed botnet, its configuration, and generate traffic that can be used for later studies of botnet activity. Available at .


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