Orange Labs / Page 2


  1. pn (PhoneNumber), developped by Camille Oudot from Orange Labs, is a command line tool that allows the Shell programmer to use Google’s libphonenumber features, such as: get information from a phone number (country, number type, location), format a given phone number to several normalized formats, extract possible or valid phone numbers from a text. libphonenumber […]

  2. DempoDance allows anyone to gradually learn to dance the basic steps of Rock’n Roll, Mambo and Salsa. Dempo Dance. Source: For each dance, you have a set of lessons explaining in detail the achievement of each step. At the end of each lesson you will be able to practice taking steps a number of […]

  3. Orange Labs present Le Switch Tuner – an application that gives you an opportunity to listen to major French radio channels from your smartphone transformed into a transistor radio, thanks to cardboard and two buttons: one for the stations, another for the volume. See how it works on this video demonstration (in French). Cardboard kit “Le switch”. […]

  4. “Telephone” is a new Orange app that provides the customers with value added services such as Reverse Directory, Antispam and information on the cost of the calls with premium numbers. Screenshot from the app “Telephone”. “Telephone” helps you answer your calls serenely by managing your incoming and outgoing calls in a smarter and easier way! […]

  5. New app called “Au petit bonheur la VOD” (Eng.”Hit and Miss VOD”), now available on Orange Labs Prime Zone, gives you the possibility to jump between searches and thus discover interesting videos to watch that you wouldn’t normally search for. It relies on the concept of serendipity, which means a pleasant surprise; discovering something by […]

  6. Orange introduces an Android app that allows you to access the Memory game on an Orange TV Key. Thanks to the application, kids now have a possibility to play Memory on a TV screen, if they also have an Android smartphone or tablet along with an active service TV Key. Find pairs of identic images […]

  7. Signs@Work is developed by Orange Labs for the Mission Insertion Handicap. It aims in favouring the exchanges and the sharing of the technical signs between the users via a platform conceived for the sign language. This helps the deaf employees and their interpreters to follow the evolution of the company in a digital world. Every […]

  8. OCARA is developed by Orange Labs for the “Mission Insertion Handicap” of Orange France. The accessibility rules were inspired by the regulations of public access buildings and adapted to the needs for the company. These sets of rules are configurable, they only need to evolve and improve. All the suggestions for this are welcome. In […]

  9. OW2 con’12, the annual event of the OW2 community will be from 27th to 29th November at Orange Labs, Paris-Issy-les-Moulineaux. This event gathers technology experts, software architects, managers  and decision-makers from 50 countries around the world.