Orange on GitHub
Bellow is the list of top 10 active Orange Open Source projects hosted on GitHub for the different organisations under the umbrella of Orange:
Orange Open Source
hurlHurl, run and test HTTP requests with plain text.La-Va11ydetteApplication web qui est une liste de questions / réponses afin de faciliter les audits d’accessibilité entre autre. Tout est prévu pour rajouter / modifier la liste de questions pour l’adapter à ses besoins (performance web, qualité front…). BBS-SHARP-doc-eudi-walletBBS# protocol for the European Digital Identity Wallet, addressing privacy and security mechanisms.ouds-iosA SwiftUI components library with code examples for Orange Unified Design System AWSTerraformStarterKitStarter Kit for AWS and Terraform. This StarterKit helps customer to build and run AWS with Terraform from their local computer.ouds-android Android library of reusable graphical components for Orange Unified Design Systemouds-flutter A Flutter components library with code examples for Orange Unified Design System hurl-devHurl specifications and documentationtowards5gs-helmHelm charts for deploying 5G network services on Kubernetessigns-at-work-social-network-dictionnarySigns@Work, dictionary of Sign Language
Orange Cloud Foundry
mongodb-probesample app to test mongodb service and otel supportorange-prometheus-addons-boshreleasedashboards and exporters for prometheus/grafanapromfetcher-releaseThis is the bosh release for deploying promfetcher alongside cloud foundry.custom_exporterA prometheus exporter that can retreive custom informationsgitlab-runner-boshreleaseA BOSH release that deploys a gitlab runner promfetcherPromfetcher was made for cloud foundry and the idea behind is to give ability to fetch metrics from all app instances in a cloud foundry environmentk9s-package-boshreleasek9s package for use with k3s bosh releasebosh-go-cpi-cloudstackA bosh external CPI Provider for CloudStack Iaas (written in go)bosh-cpi-cloudstackRewrite in golang of bosh cpi cloudstackterraform-provider-cfsecurityThis is a terraform provider for using cf-security-entitlement