Languages / Page 6

  1. OpenLPWA IoT Agent is a java library that serves as a bridge between the Orange LoRa®* network and the OMA NGSI protocol used by the Orion Context Broker as well as by other components of the FIWARE ecosystem. This library was written using following libraries: Eclipse Paho (client mqtt) Fiware NGSI Library Spring Web and […]

  2. MongoDB plug-in enables a change journal for Akka stateful actors on MongoDB. When actors append their changes to storage, they provide a unique ID named persistenceId. Keeping the journal consists of: – recording changes to make possible recovery of the actor’s current state, – recording on a regular basis the current state (a snapshot) which […]

  3. EtheRemark is a simple and effective solution to allow you to create collaboratively web fashion presentations By connecting to a single URL, you have access to a web page divided into two parts: The left side is a collaborative text editor (using the EtherPad tool) that allows you to edit multiple simultaneously and remotely the […]

  4. EtherPlant is a simple and effective solution to allow you to create collaboratively UML (for Unified Modeling Language) diagrams. By connecting to a single URL, you have access to a web page divided into two parts: The left side is a collaborative text editor (using the EtherPad tool) that allows you to edit multiple simultaneously […]