Explore the functionality of Orange Design System Charts, a dynamic JavaScript data visualization library built on top of Apache ECharts. This library facilitates the seamless integration of various Orange-branded chart types into websites, ranging from straightforward line charts to more complex pie charts, bar charts, and beyond. With a focus on practicality for Orange developers […] Continue reading "Orange Design System Charts"
The Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) allows to measure the difference between two temporal sequences, that can have significant distortions one to another. This code implemented in Fortran allows a very efficient access to this function under Python. Find OrangeDTW library published by Orange Labs on our GitHub under MIT License.
We present you two applications that were developed as part of the Mes Infos project, led by the FING, to test the Self Data concept. They are designed to work in a Cozy Cloud environment, a personal cloud for running local applications that use the user’s personal data to provide various services. 1. La musique de […] Continue reading "Cozy Cloud: two Orange applications reusable by developers"
Elm-advanced-grid is an Elm component you can use to add an advanced grid into an Elm application. The list and type of columns is dynamically configurable. Elm-advanced-grid may be used to display large grids in a web page, with in-place sorting and filtering of columns, modification of the columns’ order by drag-and-drop, modification of the […] Continue reading "An Elm library to display dynamically configurable grids of data"
LiveBooster is a library that helps developers make easy use of the Live Objects platform via an MQTT connection. Live Objects belongs to Orange Datavenue Service Suite – a software suite for IoT / M2M solution integrators offering a set of tools to facilitate the interconnection between devices or connected “things” and business applications. Find […] Continue reading "LiveBooster eases usage of the Live Objects platform"
Documentare is a software library written in Java including unsupervised clustering tools applicable to : content stored in directories, pictures issued from a text detection and a character segmentation process in a digitized document, which can be applied for building OCR reference bases. Technological core of this library is the distance measurement of similarities between […] Continue reading "Documentare: auxiliary intelligence for digital content analysis"
Orange Applications for Business presents pcap2c. This library will convert captured network traffic as pcap files (with Wireshark or tcpdump tool, for example) into C structures to be embedded directly into a C/C++ source code. This small tool depends on the libpcap component. pcap2c is now available on Orange-OpenSource GitHub under the BSD 3-Clause license.
pyDCOP is a library implementing many Distributed Constraints OPtimization (DCOP) algorithms. Its goal is to foster academic research on DCOP by providing an easy to use library to help researcher studying and benchmarking DCOP algorithms and building new ones. pyDCOP is use-case agnostic : it can be embedded in other application to implement distributed coordination […] Continue reading "Study distributed constraints optimization problems with pyDCOP"
The LoRa® Explorer Kit is a development board powered by Microchip that allows easy and quick prototyping of IoT objects and services using LoRa® technology. This very compact starter kit consists of an Arduino-based platform supporting LoRa® module, Bluetooth module, PCB antenna, rechargeable coin battery and temperature sensor. It is pre-configured to access to the […] Continue reading "Orange presents the LoRa® Explorer Kit"