News / Page 16

  1. The Paris Open Source Summit is the fusion of Solutions Linux and the Open World Forum. Orange will be present via conferences, a round table and the OW2 booth.


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  2. Orange proposal to create a new project in Openstack/Neutron, to ease the interconnection of Neutron networks to IPVPN, has been accepeted during last Openstack Summit. The project, named BGPVPN, is led by Orange and defines a new API usable by external SDN Controllers (OpenContrail, OpenDayLight, Midokura, Nuage…) : Each Openstack API must have a reference […]

  3. An Advisory Group has been established to provide technical and strategic guidance to the Opendaylight Technical Steering Committee and Developers. The Advisory Group members shall not be bound to any obligations to Opendaylight other than abiding by the policies of the community The primary responsibilities of the Advisors will be: Provide advice, feedback and guidance […]

  4. Orange proudly presents Confort+: a service, that provides around twenty adjustments, to adapt web sites, to your needs. Whether you have visual impairments, or simple eyestrain, problems of word recognition, because of dyslexia, or other reasons, difficulty to use a mouse, or to setup your computer, Orange Confort+ gives you the solution: a setting to be made […]