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  1. Orange today contributes to Eclipse SmartHome open source project, which is a reference in the Smart Home developer ecosystem. Orange considers Eclipse SmartHome as a key project from the overall eclipse IoT program in the open source initiatives of the Internet of Things. Orange implementation of OSGi standard EnOcean Device service specification is now available […]

  2. OCARA is developed by Orange Labs for the “Mission Insertion Handicap” of Orange France. The accessibility rules were inspired by the regulations of public access buildings and adapted to the needs for the company. These sets of rules are configurable, they only need to evolve and improve. All the suggestions for this are welcome. In […]

  3. ElPaaso V2 is a templating engine for Cloud Foundry, which eases deploying complex enterprise software to Cloud Foundry, through the following features: versionned app templates artefacts fetched from a corporate java maven repo app configuration contract organization specific meta service catalog organization specific meta-data (e.g. cost center, application code, …) More details into the  related […]