Tool / Page 2

  1. OpTISAM is a tool for real-time and dynamic usage measurement and compliance verification, from classical architectures (standalone servers, laptops) to cloud/IoT environments. It optimizes the deployment of proprietary software (under its own license), based on predefined and adjustable scenarios. Visit OpTIMSAM repositories on GitHub: optisam-backend, optisam-ui. The code is published under Apache 2.0 license.

  2. Orange Business Services publishes simple scripts used to deploy and maintain the MongoDB databases that are made available to its clients. Find the project page on our Orange-Opensource GitHub. The source code is published under MIT License.

  3. Add install options for some formulae since the Brew Core doesn’t support them anymore! A new feature has been added to the Orange-OpenSource GitHub: a third party tap for Homebrew. The homebrew-zabbix provides a formula that makes it possible to build Mac software (here: Zabbix), with specific options (enabling additional features and libraries). The Homebrew community now […]

  4. The synthetic-tm-generator tool implements several methods form the scientific literature to generate synthetic traffic matrices matching the given network topologies. The tool was based on two publications from SIGCOMM CCR: A. Nucci, A. Sridharan, and N. Taft. The problem of synthetically generating IP traffic matrices; M. Roughan. Simplifying the synthesis of internet traffic matrices. Find the project […]

  5. ConllEditor is a tool which facilitates the editing of syntactic relations and morphological features of files in CoNLL-U format ( It uses a Java-based server and a HTML/CSS/Javascript based front-end. The editor loads the CoNLL-U file and saves every change to disk (and performs a git commit if the file is under git version control). […]

  6. The qmljsreformatter tool allows to automatically format a QML file via a command-line interface. It is based on a functionality embedded in the Qt Creator IDE. Learn more on project’s page on GitHub.

  7. OW2 consortium presents a tool called clif-web-proxy. Instantly and transparently generate your scenarios for testing the performance of your web applications with CLIF, from within your browser. This project aims to make it easy to capture a web “session”, in order to be complementary for tools that tests network behaviour/load of web apps (like CLIF). […]

  8. A11ygato – accessbility dashboard for website monitoring. A11gato is a web interface that allows you to monitor the accessibility of your websites.  The suite is composed of a webapp (the dashboard), a CLI and a Node.js API. Both the CLI and the API are published in the npm repository on GitHub. The dashboard is a […]

  9. Documentare is a software library written in Java including unsupervised clustering tools applicable to : content stored in directories, pictures issued from a text detection and a character segmentation process in a digitized document, which can be applied for building OCR reference bases. Technological core of this library is the distance measurement of similarities between […]

  10. Orange Applications for Business presents pcap2c. This library will convert captured network traffic as pcap files (with Wireshark or tcpdump tool, for example) into C structures to be embedded directly into a C/C++ source code. This small tool depends on the libpcap component. pcap2c is now available on Orange-OpenSource GitHub under the BSD 3-Clause license.