Python / Page 2

  1. pyDCOP is a library implementing many Distributed Constraints OPtimization (DCOP) algorithms. Its goal is to foster academic research on DCOP by providing an easy to use library to help researcher studying and benchmarking DCOP algorithms and building new ones. pyDCOP is use-case agnostic : it can be embedded in other application to implement distributed coordination […]

  2. “Datashare client python” is a client for the API provided by the datashare project It provides entry point for the oauth2 process and the calls to the remote API.

  3. Orange has developed and open sourced a Diameter fuzzer, based on specifications of Diameter applications following rfc 3588 / 6733. Fuzzing is a security oriented activity performed on protocol stacks. Diafuzzer is composed of several different tools: simple and accurate Diameter callflows, based on pcap traces script language to perform additional functions such as logging, […]