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  1. Orange presents a KeePass plugin to synchronize passwords with HashiCorp Vault. The KeePass Vault Sync plugin allows a user to get, in a local KeePass file, the secrets he has access to in an HashiCorp Vault. This plugin allows (for now) readonly access. KeePass Vault Sync was developped at Orange Applications for Business under LGPL-2.1. […]

  2. pyDCOP is a library implementing many Distributed Constraints OPtimization (DCOP) algorithms. Its goal is to foster academic research on DCOP by providing an easy to use library to help researcher studying and benchmarking DCOP algorithms and building new ones. pyDCOP is use-case agnostic : it can be embedded in other application to implement distributed coordination […]

  3. Octant is a fast Datalog implementation that can be used to check compliance properties on an OpenStack cloud. It uses the automatic theorem prover Microsoft Z3 and offers access to the main Neutron and Nova tables (concerning networks, ports, security groups, routers, servers). The code, which includes the documentation as well, is now available on […]

  4. The LoRa® Explorer Kit is a development board powered by Microchip that allows easy and quick prototyping of IoT objects and services using LoRa® technology. This very compact starter kit consists of an Arduino-based platform supporting LoRa® module, Bluetooth module, PCB antenna, rechargeable coin battery and temperature sensor. It is pre-configured to access to the […]

  5. Orange-OpenSource GitHub homepage Presenting Orange Open Source organisation Github web site which aggregates information about all our open source projects. This web site has been built with: Home made CSS based on Boosted-Boostrap, Javascript functions to get projects information base on Github Pages and GitHub API, Images, fonts and icon from Orange brand, all under the Apache 2.0 Licence. View […]

  6. pn (PhoneNumber), developped by Camille Oudot from Orange Labs, is a command line tool that allows the Shell programmer to use Google’s libphonenumber features, such as: get information from a phone number (country, number type, location), format a given phone number to several normalized formats, extract possible or valid phone numbers from a text. libphonenumber […]

  7. Skydive is an Open source project mainly developed by RedHat that gives a global view of a network and enables the user to install probe on it. It targets cloud deployments (OpenStack and Docker) and gives a good topological view of virtual switches. The new OVSOpenflow extension provides a way to visualize Openflow rules deployed on […]

  8. Two new libraries have been published on Orange-OpenSource GitHub: Lexical-corrector – a C++ library and a java package for rapid lexicon access including correction (based on Levenshtein distance). It permits to define Levenshtein distance in function of typographical error (diacritics, case, adjoining keys). Text-tokenizer – a C++ library to segment raw text (UTF-8) into typed […]

  9. Orange proudly presents an application dedicated to Java and Spring Boot developers and designed to spread our logging experience worldwide. Woofer is a showcase web app that both demonstrates best practices concerning the logging (based on the orange-mathoms-logging library), as well as provides an advanced Spring Boot-based microservices project sample. This project has been put […]