RAVENS (Resilient Architecture for Very Efficient firmware updates of Network-connected Systems) is a software solution, including two components, Hugin and Munin, which enables an efficient firmware update of highly resource-constrained IoTs. Hugin is a command line tool able to generate small delta software updates, easy to install in-place on constrained devices. Hugin can then also […] Continue reading "New on GitHub: RAVENS"
Orange has initiated transportPCE, an OpenDaylight project related to the control of OTN/WDM transport networks, relatively static by nature. AT&T, Telia and Comcast have joined the initiative since they share the same needs of programmability and openness for transport networks. Several system vendors have also joined the project in order to share their own vision […] Continue reading "Orange, AT&T and Telia for the control of WDM/OTN transport networks"
gnpy is the name of a tool developed within the Telecom Infra Project (TIP), of which Orange is a member. TIP is a collaborative telecom community that was launched in February 2016 with the goal of accelerating the pace of innovation in the telecom industry. According to the initiative’s GitHub page, its mission is: “We […] Continue reading "Orange contributes to gnpy project"
An Ansible script suite that allows the automation of client infrastructures has recently been published on Orange-Opensource GitLab. This set of Ansible roles comes with automatic testing tools. The packages are licensed under GNU General Public License v3.0.
Autonomic Network Security Management Framework is the first component developed within the scope of the SUPERCLOUD European Project, in which Orange plays the role of a Technical Leader. The SUPERCLOUD H2020 project aims to design and implement a security and dependability management infrastructure for distributed clouds that is both user-centric and self-managed. A new security […] Continue reading "SUPERCLOUD Autonomic Network Security Management Framework"
This C++ SDK helps developing Arduino and mbed (ARM) applications for LPWAN Orange Network (works also on other network). Its purpose is to ease the development of connected objects prototypes. A sample is available, fully integrated with Arduino. To see more details, open https://github.com/Orange-OpenSource/OpenLPWANKit and from mbed platform: https://developer.mbed.org/compiler/#nav:/OrangeDash (authentication required)
The second edition of the OPNFV Summit will take place from the 24 to the 30th of June in Berlin. A traditional meeting to promote, exchange and communicate on the future releases. In addition of the official summit, some mini-summits dealing with OPNFV ecosystem are organized (ARM, CORD, OpenDaylight, fd.io, Open-O, etc.). Orange will be […] Continue reading "OPNFV Summit 2016"
The first edition of the OPNFV Plugfest took place from the 8th to the 14th of May in Louisville (CO). This event was the occasion for the SDN/NFV actor to perform VNFs and Interoperability testing on top of OPNFV second release (Brahmaputra). 50 people from 19 companies (including 3 non OPNFV members) joined this event. […] Continue reading "Orange participation to the first OPNFV plugfest"
LoRa® starter kit for IoT from Orange gives you the possibility to experiment with LoRa® technology and create your own connected object. The kit is based on an Arduino platform and comes with a demo program allowing you to get data from a sensor, send it to the cloud through the LoRa® network then visualize […] Continue reading "The code for Orange IoT starter kit is now available on open-source"