News / Page 14

  1. Orange has initiated transportPCE, an OpenDaylight project related to the control of OTN/WDM transport networks, relatively static by nature. AT&T, Telia and Comcast have joined the initiative since they share the same needs of programmability and openness of transport networks. Some system vendors have also joined the initiative in order to share their own vision […]

  2. Beyond compliance with Orange brand recommendations, Boosted provides accessibility improvements as well as Orange-specific components and interaction choices respecting the framework standards. Components and samples included in Boosted are regularly enhanced according to the needs expressed by Boosted users. The use of a common platform allows us to offer our customers a unique and consistent […]

  3. Orange has just pushed another contribution to Eclipse OM2M open source project, which is one of the first open source implementation of oneM2M standard architecture in the world. Orange considers Eclipse OM2M as a key project from the overall eclipse IoT program in the open source initiatives of the Internet of Things. Orange previous contribution […]

  4. hasplayer.js is a javascript client for playing HAS (Http Adaptive Streams) contents into HTML5 browsers with the help of the MSE (Media Source Extensions) and EME (Encrypted Media Extensions) extensions specified by W3C. The Open source project hasplayer.js ( is based on DASH Industry Forum’s dash.js project, a javascript client that aims playing back MPEG-DASH […]

  5. Learn how to make you apps accessible for people with disabilities thanks to the demo and examples. You will also learn how disabled people use their mobiles. Make every people enjoy your apps on two most popular operating systems. Orange presents a new app: mDAN available under double Open Source license: Apache 2.0 et Creative Commons. The […]

  6. just-drop-it allows you to simply and instantly send a file to a co-worker or friend, whatever your network configuration (proxy, VPN, and such). Just open your browser, drop the file in it and send the generated link to your friend: the file will be beamed to him without being stored on any platform. More details: […]

  7. Orange today contributes to Eclipse SmartHome open source project, which is a reference in the Smart Home developer ecosystem. Orange considers Eclipse SmartHome as a key project from the overall eclipse IoT program in the open source initiatives of the Internet of Things. Orange implementation of OSGi standard EnOcean Device service specification is now available […]

  8. The first edition of the OPNFV Plugfest took place from the 8th to the 14th of May in Louisville (CO). This event was the occasion for the SDN/NFV actor to perform VNFs and Interoperability testing on top of OPNFV second release (Brahmaputra). 50 people from 19 companies (including 3 non OPNFV members) joined this event. […]