News / Page 9

  1. The synthetic-tm-generator tool implements several methods form the scientific literature to generate synthetic traffic matrices matching the given network topologies. The tool was based on two publications from SIGCOMM CCR: A. Nucci, A. Sridharan, and N. Taft. The problem of synthetically generating IP traffic matrices; M. Roughan. Simplifying the synthesis of internet traffic matrices. Find the project […]

  2. ConllEditor is a tool which facilitates the editing of syntactic relations and morphological features of files in CoNLL-U format ( It uses a Java-based server and a HTML/CSS/Javascript based front-end. The editor loads the CoNLL-U file and saves every change to disk (and performs a git commit if the file is under git version control). […]

  3. The qmljsreformatter tool allows to automatically format a QML file via a command-line interface. It is based on a functionality embedded in the Qt Creator IDE. Learn more on project’s page on GitHub.

  4. OW2 consortium presents a tool called clif-web-proxy. Instantly and transparently generate your scenarios for testing the performance of your web applications with CLIF, from within your browser. This project aims to make it easy to capture a web “session”, in order to be complementary for tools that tests network behaviour/load of web apps (like CLIF). […]

  5. A new contribution from Orange. Gitlab-buildpkg-tools is a set of tools to build Debian, Ubuntu, Centos and Fedora packages using GitLab CI,with automatic package rebuild triggered by a Git push or merge on a branch of your own repository. After a simple configuration step on your own GitLab-hosted project, whenever you push on master branch, […]

  6. Orange has recently contributed to the Cloudify project. A newly created repository on GitHub contains the TOSCA file and scripts to needed to deploy and manage a MetaSwitch/Clearwater vIMS on an OpenStack platform. The aim is to propose a full life-cycle management of the vIMS. Cloudify is an open source cloud orchestration platform, designed to […]

  7. A11ygato – accessbility dashboard for website monitoring. A11gato is a web interface that allows you to monitor the accessibility of your websites.  The suite is composed of a webapp (the dashboard), a CLI and a Node.js API. Both the CLI and the API are published in the npm repository on GitHub. The dashboard is a […]

  8. Paris Open Source Summit, the annual meeting of European open source, was held on December 5th and 6th at the Pullman Docks in Paris for the 4th consecutive year in a row. This fantastic edition gathered around 5500 experts and amateurs around the theme: the place of open source and French actors in the digital […]

  9. RAVENS (Resilient Architecture for Very Efficient firmware updates of Network-connected Systems) is a software solution, including two components, Hugin and Munin, which enables an efficient firmware update of highly resource-constrained IoTs. Hugin is a command line tool able to generate small delta software updates, easy to install in-place on constrained devices. Hugin can then also […]

  10. Documentare is a software library written in Java including unsupervised clustering tools applicable to : content stored in directories, pictures issued from a text detection and a character segmentation process in a digitized document, which can be applied for building OCR reference bases. Technological core of this library is the distance measurement of similarities between […]