Check if your resources have the copyright thanks to these two plugins

Copyright Checker and Swift-AssetsLegalMentionsChecker, two plugins to check if assets are copyrighted

All apps in production contain assets like images. Sometimes we need to be sure that these images are protected: we may want to avoid having images on GitHub or stores without copyrights. Designers usually add metadata of such images into the legal notices like copyright, project name and license. Thess plugins can be used to check recursively in a folder if images of a project are all suitable or not. It can be integrated to IDE build scripts so as to make the builds fail when an image is not compliant.

Copyright Checker is now available on Orange-OpenSource Github under the MIT License.
This plugin was made to answer the need to make sure that a project using Gradle (Android project for example).

Swift-AssetsLegalMentionsChecker is now available on Orange-OpenSource Github under the MIT License.
This program written in Swift is more for iOS developers: iPad OS / wtchOS / macOS or anyone working on macOS.