1. 3D Gaussian Splatting is a new algorithm for synthesising photo-realistic 3D scenes from 2D images. This algorithm has been developed in 2023 by INRIA in Sophia Antipolis. In just a few months, it has become the reference in the field. This solution is broken down into 2 parts: a tool for training scenes with Pytorch […]


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  2. An abstraction and access control layer for containers on RIOT OS TinyContainer allows to deploy an IoT logic adapted to a context (personalized user experience or deployment of an intelligence model) while controlling access to the exposed IoT resources. TinyContainer was presented in the RIOT Summit in September 2023. In the presentation, we described the […]

  3. A low-impact internal latency measurement tool for OpenAirInterface 5G should provide low latency transmissions for new services (e.g. Industry 4.0). The measurement of such latencies inside the access network is a challenge for which LatSeq is designed. LatSeq is an open-source tool for fine-grained analysis of latency inside the OpenAirInterface base station. This tool is […]

  4. Bmc-cache is a transparent, first-level cache for memcached. Bmc-cache leverages the eBPF technology to enable runtime, crash-safe extension of the Linux kernel, as well as the XDP technology to process memcached requests before the execution of the kernel network stack. Bmc-cache can be used without modifying either the application or the Linux kernel and can […]

  5. The IoT SAFE APDU library is the first, partial, open source implementation of the GSMA IoT SAFE standard written in plain C. It enables the use of the (e)SIM as a keystore. By plugging this library to a TLS (or DTLS) library, such as mbedTLS or ArduinoBearSSL, it allows the user to implement the first […]

  6. Orange Applications for Business presents pcap2c. This library will convert captured network traffic as pcap files (with Wireshark or tcpdump tool, for example) into C structures to be embedded directly into a C/C++ source code. This small tool depends on the libpcap component. pcap2c is now available on Orange-OpenSource GitHub under the BSD 3-Clause license.